Client - blackcircles.com - In line messaging
Design of in line messaging banners to sit on the search results page.

Client - blackcircles.com - 18th Birthday
The Bibendum mascot was chosen to celebrate the 18th year of the business, my brief was to mock this up for desktop on the home page. I elaborated on the Bibendum cake theme by adding balloons and sprinkles.

Self initiated typography project - playing with type for potential use on the track day tyres page/other projects.

Client - People's Postcode Lottery Compliance Training Graphics
I was asked to illustrate the heads of the People's Postcode Lottery compliance department for this project, with the idea being it would make the content more friendly and engaging.
The deliverables were headers to introduce the training sections along with gifs of the characters that could be added into parts of the training.

Client - People's Postcode Lottery - AdChat
Created original graphics and animations for the Postcode Lottery AdChat. These illustrate text generated within the app that explain the lottery to new/potential players.

Social posts
Client - blackcircles.com - Christmas Social
Design of Facebook social posts and graphics for the Christmas advent calendar.

Animated Facebook posts for key dates and competitions

Client - People's Postcode Lottery - Twitter and Open Graph cards
Brief to create Twitter and Open Graph cards to direct players to check the postcode checker/results page.

Client - People's Postcode Lottery - LGBTQ+ history month
Brief to create a graphic in celebration of LGBTQ+ history month